
(PC、PS5、XboxシリーズX/S)バージョン1.22(Build: 94614)パッチノートを公開しました。











・Aurora Shoresのタスク「Harbrynzers」 - 女性動物がタスクの進捗を更新する。





(PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S) Version 1.22 (Build: 94614) patch notes:

- Fixed: Binoculars measuring distance through animals

- Fixed: Invisible items in story missions

- Fixed: Various animal spawning issues 

- Fixed: Same size of the Hunter sense red dot on every firearm

- Fixed: Misleading information about animal senses on Hunter difficulty 

- Fixed: Incorrect weight for the Alaska moose

- Fixed: Wrong vehicle appearing on load (default 4x4 spawned instead of UTV)

- Fixed: Blood tracks causing a drop in FPS

- Fixed: DLC pop-up notification in main menu (in case DLC has been uninstalled)

- Fixed: Aurora Shores task “Harbrynzers“ - female animals updating task progress

- Fixed: Roosevelt elk trophy issues

- (MP) Fixed: Inability to see/create/connect to servers

- (MP) Fixed: Animals freezing after being shot

- Tweaked: Walking in crouch on steep terrain 

