
PC Steam Version パッチノート:

・カットシーン "空を失えばシナモンもない"でクラッシュし、フェイタルエラーが発生する
・"なぞなぞに答えて"のパート3の進行不能 - ダイアログは写真とインタラクトすることで再トリガー可能/ダイアログはプレイヤーの死亡またはゲーム終了後のリスポーン後に自動的に再生される。

- 水鳥を長時間撮影していると、低確率でクラッシュが発生することがあります
- 一度消滅したミッションの動物が再び出現することはありません。一部のプレイヤーは、ゲームロードのたびに特定のストーリーのダイアログが流れることがありますが、Enterキーを押すことでスキップできます
- ミッション「ハッフルバッジャーとは違う」において、指定された場所からアナグマがいなくなることがあります。翌日まで休ませると復活します
- ハシゴの音が聞こえない

(PC) Version patch notes:
- Fixed: Performance loss in woods
- Fixed: Displaying the wrong age class of animals (new hunted animals will show correct age but those already in the hunting log will not have correct age; this will be fixed in 1.17)
- Fixed: Removing the last purchased item after loading
- Fixed: Territory pass recovery after broken save
- Fixed: Puskin (Red deer with rifle stuck in antlers) sometimes spawning without one antler
- Fixed: Incorrect wolf meat degradation even if shot with recommended energy
- Fixed: Animals disappearing when hit
- Fixed: Animals spawning next to the player during gameplay
- Fixed: Binoculars animation with FOV above 110
- Fixed: Crash on load resulting in a Fatal Error
- Fixed: Crash after an infinite reload in Photo mode resulting in a Fatal Error
- Fixed: Crash during “Ain't no cinnamon when sky's gone” cutscene resulting in a Fatal Error
- Partially fixed: Stability issues in Swamps resulting in a Fatal Error
- Fixed: Riddle me this Part III progress blocker - dialogue can be re-triggered by interacting with the photo/dialogue will play automatically after player respawn following player death or exiting the game

Known issues:
- Crashes can still occur with low probability while shooting waterfowl for an extended period of time
- Previously disappeared mission animals will not reappear. We hope to be able to bring them back in a later patch, but unfortunately, right now the only way to progress is from the beginning, by deleting the current save file.
Some players may experience certain story dialogue playing after every game load - holding Enter will skip it.
- During the mission "Not a huffle badger", badgers may disappear from the designated location. Resting until the following day should respawn them.
- Missing ladder sound

