(PC, PS5, Xbox Series X|S) バージョン 1.25(ビルド:13528965) パッチノート:
・マタリキ公園(Matariki Park)の特定エリアでのFPSを改善
・「No brainer」、「Bee gone bandito」、「Ghost of Matariki」というミッションでの進行障害
・「Back in the basement」ミッションを終えた後に黒い角を持つサンバー鹿を収穫できない問題
・マタリキ公園(Matariki Park):様々な環境問題(洞窟の穴、浮いている岩、橋を通る木など)
この投稿に関するディスカッションセクションやTHQ Nordic Redmineを通して、皆さまからのフィードバックやバグ報告を歓迎します(チケット作成時には、正確なバージョン番号を入力してください)。
(PC, PS5, Xbox Series X|S) Version 1.25 patch notes:
We've been keeping a close eye on the things that have been bugging you since we dropped the Matariki Park DLC and released update 1.25. We've rolled up our sleeves and sorted these bugs out. Patch for the update 1.25 (Build: 13528965) is now available for all players. This patch aims to resolve various issues, including progress blockers in multiple missions, incorrect animals in the Claim screen and the Hunting log, or minor localization issues. Please check the patch notes below for the details.
Version 1.25 (Build: 13528965) patch notes:
Tweaked: Improved the visible grass pop-in in the Performance mode on PS5/Xbox, and Low/Medium visual settings on PC
Tweaked: (Matariki Park) Improved FPS in certain areas
Fixed: Incorrect animals in the Claim screen and the Hunting log. All newly shot animals will be claimable correctly. Previously claimed animals will remain as is
Fixed: Progress blockers in missions “No brainer”, “Bee gone bandito”, and “Ghost of Matariki”
Fixed: Tripod stands being placeable in the vicinity of certain big game animals
Fixed: Red Deer (New Zealand) antlers within a certain trophy value not having the correct shape
Fixed: Being unable to harvest Sambar deer with black antlers after finishing the mission “Back in the basement”
Fixed:(MP) HUD icon displaying the current gear not working correctly when other players switched their gear
Fixed: (Matariki Park) Various environmental issues (a hole in the cave, levitating rocks, a tree through the bridge, etc.)
Fixed: Various minor localization issues
We will be grateful for any and all feedback and bug reports either in the discussion section of this post or via the THQ Nordic Redmine (when creating a ticket, please make sure that you enter the correct version).
Thank you, and good hunting!
(情報更新日時:2024年2月27日 23:00)